Paul de Ruiter
7 Krinkels BLA Stprijs

Krinkels’ head office building wins 2018 BLASt Award

April 12, 2018 Best Office Building 2018

According to the jury: “The building is prominently positioned along one of the main roads leading into Breda and blends seamlessly with its park-like surroundings. Thanks to its coherent and contextually sympathetic design, this striking building — with its glass facade and green roofs — throws the natural scenery around it into captivating relief, and vice versa. The context and location make this a particularly interesting project: the building incorporates the original qualities of its surroundings, the result of which enhances the site’s ecological structure — a laudable deed."

The jury commended the client for their audacity, and strongly urged them to maintain the vision manifested in the design in the project's execution.

More on the design and award here

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