Paul de Ruiter
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Available vacancies

June 17, 2024 Join team Paul de Ruiter Architects - discover our job openings

In relation to various new and inspiring projects, Paul de Ruiter Architects is currently looking for the following positions; 

  • • BIM/Revit modeler
  • • Architect with an affinity for urban planning


Read more about the job openings at the bottom of this page


About Paul de Ruiter Architects

We are Paul de Ruiter Architects. A group of independent-minded designers with a passion for sustainability and architecture, and B Corp certified since 2016. True beauty lies within. What matters to us is whether a building can make a positive contribution. Primarily to the people who live, work, and study in it. But also to the environment in which it stands; the air, plants and animals, the city, the planet. We are pioneers. For over thirty years, we have been designing and innovating buildings that add something essential. That's why we don't settle for easy answers and standard solutions. 

We are always focused on the next step. How can we make buildings ParisProof, and how quickly? Can we reuse today's building materials in the future? Can we ensure that a building provides space for the plants and animals that were there before it was built? Can we design a building where people come out healthier than when they entered? How do we ensure that buildings are constructed with healthy materials? Can we design a building that generates its own energy? In short, can we accelerate the revolution in construction?

Innovation is embedded in our DNA. We always question whether things can be done differently. Better. Within our office, commonly accepted opinions are constantly challenged. We gladly exchange them for scientifically proven new insights and more sustainable alternatives. We create new standards.

0709 Aiste Rakauskaite Green Working Environment


BIM modeler

Paul de Ruiter Architects is looking for an architectural Revit modeler who is available in the short term, capable of working independently, and has experience executing buildings from design to completion in Revit.

Who are you?

  • • You have at least a Bachelor's degree (HBO opleiding).
  • • You have a minimum of 2 years of work experience in Revit.
  • • You have knowledge of integrated design and a passion for sustainability.
  • • You are proficient in Dutch, both spoken and written.

What do we offer?

  • • A fantastic, multidisciplinary team to collaborate with.
  • • Plenty of freedom, personal development, and entrepreneurship.
  • • Interesting and sustainable design challenges.

Interested? Please send an email with your cover letter, CV, and portfolio to For any questions, you can contact Annemiek Bleumink at 020 - 626 32 44.




Architect with affinity for urban planning

Do you have experience in designing and realizing (complex) buildings and urban planning integrations?

Who are you?

  • • You have completed an architectural education at university level.
  • • You are proficient in Dutch, both spoken and written.
  • • You have a passion for sustainable architecture.
  • • You have a minimum of 3 years of work experience.

What do we offer?

  • • A fantastic, multidisciplinary team to collaborate with.
  • • Plenty of freedom, personal development, and entrepreneurship.
  • • Interesting and sustainable design challenges.

Interested? Please send an email with your cover letter, CV, and portfolio to For any questions, you can contact Annemiek Bleumink at 020 - 626 32 44.

0709 Aiste Rakauskaite Atrium Meeting
Langeveld Excursie

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