Paul de Ruiter
1932 Aiste Rakauskaite Green Stairs

Opening final part of the Rotterdam Business School

October 11, 2023 The festive opening of the latest section of Hogeschool Rotterdam

"Murmurs, a cozy atmosphere, a bit of activity - that's what you want in a learning environment. This has come to fruition in this sustainable and future-proof educational building."

Many thanks for the compliments, Fred Feuerstake, Mariska Wit, and Wijnand Van Den Brink. Last week, the festive opening took place for the latest, brand-new section of Hogeschool Rotterdam. It's a sustainable design where students themselves have contributed their thoughts. Their desire? A diverse range of spaces: from a quiet area for peaceful studying to areas for collaborative discussions with other students. Paul de Ruiter Architects has fulfilled this wish with a variety of flexible work and study areas on one hand, and cozy meeting spaces and public areas on the other hand. Furthermore, they've also considered the future generation of students: the educational building is energy-neutral, features a roof and facade covered in solar panels, and has a heat-cold storage system. We hope that this building will produce many wise economists in the coming years.

Want to learn more about the university? Click here.

1932 Aiste Rakauskaite 2

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