Paul de Ruiter
8 Krinkels BLA Stprijs

Krinkels’ head office nominated for 2018 BLASt Award

March 22, 2018 Nomination

Krinkels’ new head office has been nominated for the 2018 BLASt award in the Office Building category.

The company, which operates internationally and specialises in the construction and maintenance of public and private spaces, employs more than 2,500 people and has been running for more than sixty years. Given the core values that define the company’s approach are safety, transparency, pragmatism, reliability and sustainability, Paul de Ruiter Architects set out to incorporate these same values into their design. The result is a transparent and airy building with an interior that reflects Krinkels’ sustainability ambitions.

This year, for the first time, nominees were selected across two categories, Office Buildings and Shopfronts. The awards will be presented on 8 April.

The BLASt award was created by BLASt, and is administered with support from the municipality of Breda and the West Brabant chapter of the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects. BLASt is an independent, open and public discussion and networking platform devoted to landscape design, architecture and urban development in Breda.

More information on this joint project with the Buro Lubbers design studio for landscape design and urban development will follow shortly.

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