Paul de Ruiter

Nature's Pride

A fair trade distribution center

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For Nature's Pride, one of the largest Dutch importers of exotic fruits and vegetables, we designed a sustainable distribution and processing center in Maasdijk. The building received a BREEAM Excellent certificate, which makes it belong to the top 5 most sustainable distribution centers of Western Europe.

Industry, Interior, BREEAM

A logistical machine where vegetables and fruits arrive and depart

Our design functions as a transition zone for products that are carried into the building on the north side via fourteen loading docks, and transported via the same amount of loading docks on the east side. Products are unpacked in the zone behind the reception. After being unpacked they either get stored on the ground floor or moved to the first floor to the packaging department. The so-called ripening areas are located there too. We made sure the packaging department is visually in touch with the offices on the first floor. In the tower, which is covered with vegetation, we implemented the waste processing system.

Equality, wellbeing, cooperation and logistics are the core values that come together in the design.

Ready for the future

We came up with a flexible frame which is adjustable with minimal interventions. Recesses in the floor can easily be closed, emergency staircases can be moved and the floor at the packaging department can be loaded more heavily. All together it enables to building to fulfill a completely different function if required in the future.

Parking next to vegetation on the roof

On the roof we made space for parking with charging stations for electric vehicles. Next to it we designed a spacious 2.000 m2 green roof with a bee hotel, and bird houses for the swift. Together with the Dutch Butterfly Conservation we realized a butterfly roof garden that can be used for research. The rainwater coming from the green roofs is connected to the sewer via a greywater buffer. An indoor greywater buffer is used for flushing the toilets and cleaning operations.

Project details


Location Honderdland 611, Maasdijk
Gross floor area 36.785 m²
Program Energy-neutral distribution and processing center with offices
Start design January 2011
Start construction February 2013
Completion November 2013


Client Nature’s Management
User Nature’s Pride
Project architect Paul de Ruiter
Project team Willem Jan Landman, Marlous Vriethoff, Laura van de Pol, Roel Rutgers, Giorgio Carella, Marieke Sijm & Christian Quesada van Beresteyn
Adv․ construction IMd raadgevende ingenieurs
Adv․ installations, energy & BREEAM DWA
E-installer BAM Techniek, regio West
W-installer Klimaatservice Holland, Dorst Loodgietersbedrijf
Certification BREEAM-NL Excellent
Adv․ construction costs bbn adviseurs
Adv․ cooling installations Van Kempen Koudetechniek
Contractor Bouwbedrijf De Vries en Verburg
Interior architect Paul de Ruiter architects
Urban design BDP Khandekar
Photography Jeroen Musch

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