Paul de Ruiter


Former school building makes way for nature inclusive residential building

4 Frontaal
6 Side Facade
1 Zoom
5 Binnentuin
2 Oranjeboomstraat
1 / 5

At the head of Persoonsstraat in the Feijenoord district, Paul de Ruiter Architects designed a nature-inclusive residential building of brick with an elegant appearance. The new building will consist of 96 dwellings, with green facades and a high-quality hospitality facility on the square.

Housing, Socially sustainable

Lively plinth, recognizable transitions

The building stands out because of its stepped facades. The main entrances of the dwellings situated higher in the block are transparent, visible, and recognizable from the adjacent street. The staircase with the elevators is located centrally in the entrance hall. The upper dwellings are accessed via spacious corridors, wide enough for walkers, baby carriages, and groceries. The hospitality area provides an ideal place for gatherings and meetings between the residents. And the many ground-level homes with front doors on the street reinforce this neighborhood feeling and provide a safe dynamic living environment without closed facades or dark niches.

The brick facades are richly covered with climbing plants. This creates a green oasis in the middle of the city.

Mobility as an integral part

The entrances to Dukdalf are high, transparent, and prominent. From the entrance, the residents have direct access to the communal bicycle storage. The storage is comfortable and equipped with electronic access. Cars can be parked in the indoor parking garage, on the ground flour through a ramp, on the second floor.
In addition to the parking facilities for residents, there will be a Mobility Hub. This is directly accessible from the street and offers space for (electric) shared scooters, shared bicycles, and shared cars.

Multifunctional use of facades and roofs

The Feijenoord district is known for its problems with flooding after heavy rainfall. This problem is countered with a number of solutions. For example, a polder roof with solar panels will be installed on the 8th floor. A polder roof with a roof garden will be installed on the 2nd floor and the rest of the roofs will be moss-sedum roofs.

The green facades not only provide a place for flora and fauna. By applying a lot of greenery, the water buffer is also increased and thus the flooding is reduced. The rainwater is collected via a smart roof system, namely a self-regulating water retention roof where water is buffered. Thus, the new building of the city of Rotterdam will soon be nature inclusive and ready for the future.

Project details


Name and location Dukdalf - Rotterdam Feyenoord
Total floor area 10,000 m2
Project description 96 homes, hospitality, parking garage, mobilityhub
Start of design June 2020


Client Woonstad Rotterdam
Project architect Paul de Ruiter and Martijn van Gameren
Project team Sylvia Hendriks, Richard Buijs, Nico de Waard, Vera Leitão
Landscape architect DS landschapsarchitecten
constructor IMd ingenieursbureau
Installation advisor ABT adviseurs
Building consultant ABT adviseurs
Other parties involved Metropolder company

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